AGB-WT is a unique, state-of-the-art soil stabilization and dust suppression fluid; manufactured for today’s most challenging intense-use dust control needs.
This environmentally friendly and clear stabilization is compounded by a special liquid polymer feed to optimize flexibility to the treated base and prevent shrinkage slits. For dirt roads with a depth recovery of (15 cm to 20 cm), depending on the rate and weight of road use, Our TTC technique no longer requires gravure coating for a similar lifetime with the monolayer.
Some of the ‘green technologies’ present in AGB are: enzymes, surfactants, biopolymers, synthetic polymers, co-polymer based products, cross-linking styrene acrylic polymers, tree resins, ionic stabilizers, fiber reinforcement, calcium chloride, sodium chloride and more. These new stabilizing techniques create hydrophobic surfaces and mass that prevents road failure from water penetration or heavy frosts by inhibiting the ingress of water into the treated layer.